IMH 2024 Cycle 1 
Organization Name Project Name Funding Amount Program Description
New Orleans Youth Alliance NOYA’s Youth-Led Policymaking and Advocacy Work $30,000.00 NOYA is establishing a robust youth-guided Policy Department to research, develop, and advocate for measures that benefit young people and their families.
The Institute for Enhanced Equity PEP Prep: Empowering Parents as Education Advocates  $25,000.00 AlignED NOLA seeks support for our Parent Empowerment Programming (PEP) amplify family voices and empower parents as advocates for their children’s education and well-being.
Advocacy Total  $55,000.00  
The First 72+ The First 72+ Family Reunification Project $25,000.00 The First 72+, partnered with the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, will stop cycles of incarceration through parenting education and wraparound support for reentering parents
Silence Is Violence Victim Allies Project $35,000.00 SIV provides survivors and witnesses of homicide with trauma-informed therapy and community-based case management, healing families and strengthening community.
Maroon Inc. New Orleans Trauma-Informed Educators’ Summit $30,000.00 Maroon will hold inaugural trauma-informed summit, in partnership with local experts, to benefit New Orleans educators and support larger SEL advocacy efforts.
Reaching for the Stars Foundation Mentoring for Change! $10,000.00 We seek funding to implement and expand free, sports-based youth development that utilizes mentoring as a key strategy to empower disadvantaged, urban, male youth.
Boys Town Louisiana Boys Town Louisiana Fostering Mental Health Care for Residential Youth $20,000.00 Funding will provide vital mental health services to traumatized youth in Boys Town LA’s residential homes who were removed from unstable homes or involved in juvenile court. 
unCommon Construction unCommon Construction Apprenticeship Program Framing Character Initiative $25,000.00 Career Pathways Support Program for unCommon Construction Alumni
Be Loud Studios Be Loud Junior Producers   $10,000.00 The Junior Producers program uses radio to amplify New Orleans youth voice and well-being by inviting high schoolers to speak up, build connections, and practice leadership. 
Community Based Total  $155,000.00  
Early Childhood
TrainingGrounds, Inc Expanding TrainingGrounds’ We Connect Family Resource HUB  with focus on fathers $75,000.00 Expand TrainingGrounds WE CONNECT Family Resource Hub to reach more families, with special emphasis on engaging more fathers to improve the well-being of young children.
Sauls Light JUST NICU: Supporting Thriving and Connected Families $25,000.00 Saul’s Light’s JUST NICU program expands evidence-based supports for families during and after a NICU stay to improve mental health and developmental outcomes for infants
The New Orleans Women & Children’s Shelter Early Childhood Supports for Homeless Families $25,000.00 NOWCS, the largest shelter for homeless families, supports all family members, including young children needing early childhood support to mitigate the damage of homelessness.
Early Childhood  $125,000.00  
School Based Services
KID smART With Feeling: centering SEL in New Orleans public school classrooms $30,000.00 KID smART will more meaningfully incorporate socio-emotional learning objectives into Creative Schools, including SEL-centered professional development for teachers.
Breakthrough New Orleans (fiscal agent: Isidore Newman School) Breakthrough New Orleans: Students Teaching Students $15,000.00 Funding will provide for a licensed counselor to be on staff during the six-week Summer Academy to support Breakthrough New Orleans students and teaching fellows.
School based Services  $45,000.00  
Total Overall $380,000.00